Acorns Class
Acorns Class is located in a purpose built log cabin. The cabin was built 10 years ago. Behind the log cabin you can see the home of the Acorn Elves!
Mrs Willars is our Head of School and she teaches in the Acorn class on a Monday and Tuesday.
Miss Gordon teaches in the Acorn class on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
The Teaching Assistants in Acorns Class are Miss Clarke, Mrs Hickey and Mrs Scoffield.
What We Are Learning About This Half Term
Our new topic is called 'Burn and Build' - Children will be learning about London in the present and the past and explore the Great Fire of London.
Focus Books
Some of the books we are reading in class this half term are; Toby and the Great Fire of London, The Queen's Hat, Vlad goes to London and Katie in London.
Year 1 - Please log in to practice your times tables - Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (
Reception – Please log in to practise your counting skills Numbots Game
Children will also have a focus list of common exception works to learn. Please log on to Spelling Shed to practice.
Please read as often as you can and record it in your reading journals - don't forget to record the author for the summer reading challenge.