Reading and Phonics
At South Kilworth C of E Primary School we use the Sounds-Write phonics programme.
At the start of the programme, one sound/one spelling, one-syllable, CVC words are introduced. As the programme progresses, the complexity of one-syllable words is increased to four-, five- and six-sound words of the structure CVCC, CCVC, CCVCC/CCCVCC, before introducing the most common consonant digraphs.
The Sounds-Write programme teaches pupils to understand the way the alphabet code works. Very often, in the early stages of learning to read and spell, because of the complexity of the code, pupils will not be able to spell some sounds by using the correct spellings. However, pupils taught using Sounds-Write will be able to write almost anything they want to write by using plausible (phonetic) spellings for sounds. In this way, pupils, teachers and parents can read anything the pupil has written. As they progress through Key Stage 1, pupils learn systematically how words are spelled in English.
The Extended Code and Polysyllabic Words
Thereafter, from Y1 onwards, all the remaining common vowel and consonant sound to spelling correspondences are taught until all the common spellings for the forty-four sounds in English have been covered. In parallel with this, pupils are taught how to read and spell polysyllabic words, progressing from two-syllable to five- and six-syllable words.
Sounds Write information for parents
Reading at School
We pride ourselves on our strong reading culture at South Kilworth. Reading is at the very heart of our curriculum. Our English lessons are centred around a range of high quality children books. We very much link spoken language, reading and writing in order that children can become more confident in all areas of the curriculum.
Children have daily opportunities to read. At times, they read individually, in pairs, in small groups or as a whole class. The reading curriculum focuses on word reading (decoding words) and understanding of texts (comprehension). We teach these skills alongside each other. Opportunities are planned into our lessons for children to discuss what they are reading, share opinions and explore different responses to texts.
Once children are independent readers, they can choose from a range of literature from our extensive library. Each classroom also has a reading area and its own stock of books for children to read plus we have regular visits from the Leicestershire Library bus.
We use an online spelling app to set and practice spellings throughout the school called Spelling Shed - For more information please click here or check you child's class page.